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General Affairs

Volt’s voting tool for the Provincial Elections

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, to be eligible to vote for the Provincial Elections, you need to have Dutch nationality.

In two weeks, the polling stations will reopen their doors. This time for the Dutch Provincial elections. To get straight to the point: unfortunately, due to a shortage of candidates, Volt is not selectable in the province of Limburg. We are a young party, and we place high demands on our candidates.

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Not running for the elections is rather unfortunate, but running on half force is naturally not an option. However, don’t be too sad, in 8 (!) other provinces Volt is electable: Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel, Gelderland, Noord-Brabant, Utrecht, Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland. In these provinces, our Volt colleagues are more than ready to voice our European, positive and pragmatic sound. So, are you ready for progressive, new politics? Read on, and learn how to vote ‘’wisely’’ for the Provincial Elections on the 15th of March.

We’re currently facing quite difficult times, in which polarization is being used as a means – even through political party campaigns – to drive people apart. Whilst now, facing crisis after crisis, it is more important than ever before, to collaborate, to work towards a more sustainable future.  

When you would randomly ask 10 people what the Provincial elections stand for, 9 will probably not have a clue. Whilst, the average Maastrichtian does benefit from a better train connection from Liege to Sittard, and may not know that this concerns provincial policy. An obvious question may be: what precisely do Provincial Councils do? First of all, they elect the members of the Eerste Kamer, so indirectly your vote also counts for that appointment. In addition, they make important policies at provincial level on issues such as housing, public transport and culture. Last but not least, the province implements European policies. 

The impact of European, national, provincial or local politics remains quite hard to grasp for a lot of people. During the last municipal elections, a marginal percentage of 43% of the people of Maastricht used their right to vote. Whilst, the polling stations are the place to be, to use your democratic right. At Volt, we think this development is critical and must improve!

Because of this, Volt worries about the maintenance of democratic values. Therefore, we’re constantly exploring ways to involve citizens in local politics, in Maastricht through the citizen council pilot, which will kick off the upcoming year. It is of the highest importance that the people of Maastricht, especially during these crucial times, start to re-use their right to vote!   

So, if you’re thinking ‘’which party will I vote for on the 15th of March, since Volt is not an option in Limburg?’’. Naturally, we want to leave the choice up to you. As a piece of advice: it is no secret that our values lie closer to the Greens and the Social Democrats than right leaning parties. In the European Parliament, we are even working together with the Greens. So, if you’re looking for our advice, we would suggest voting for a social, sustainable and progressive party. One that commits to making sure the earth remains liveable for future generations, focuses on reducing social inequality, and all of that through European cooperation. 

Good luck with making a decision, and choosing a party that suits your values the most. We hope to see you on the 15th of March at the polling stations.

We are convinced that, within four years from now, it won’t be necessary to give you any voting advice for a party other than Volt, because we’ll be electable in the province! In the meantime, the local team will continue working on democratic renewal in the heart of Europe. Do you want to be part of this movement? Click here to see how this is possible!

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