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Romy Frijters at number 6 on draft candidate list Volt Netherlands!

Mestreechter Council assistant Romy Frijters wants to represent the interests of our border regions in the House of Representatives on behalf of Volt.

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Romy Frijters

During the presentation of the draft candidate list of the pan-European party Volt for the House of Representatives elections, it was announced that Romy Frijters has been nominated as number 6. This makes her the highest placed Limburger on the list for Volt! The board has nominated 21 candidates to the members, who can vote on them during the party congress on September 23.

Romy has been politically active for some time and since March 2022 Council assistant in the Maastricht City Council. Here she represents Volt in the domain of Economy and Culture. In this role, as a resident of Maastricht and Limburg, and as the daughter of a border entrepreneur, Romy knows better than anyone how Hague policy can rub shoulders with the interests of our border region. "This has to change: especially when you look at the decreased trust in the government in our region. With my candidacy, I want to build a bridge between the region and political The Hague. I want to bring the interests of our European region more to the fore, even more than we can do now in the Maastricht council. Our regional interests often diverge from what is seen as national interest."

The draft election program elaborates a number of ambitions for the border regions, partly through the efforts of the Maastricht Council group. "We immediately put forward a number of points that we felt should not be missing from the Volt election program. Think, for example, of tackling cross-border crime, investments in Euroregional public transport and the recognition of diplomas in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany." Yet for Romy, this is only a first step: "Naming the issues is not enough: it is now time that we also address them. With a new list and a new Council group , Volt will have to really start making European values visible in the border region, where Europe is most tangible."

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